Sightful Creations
The displayed paintings are a collection of UnrulyArt, created by multiple children from Project Prakash, all of whom have visual impairments. Following successful surgeries, these children embarked on a journey of discovery, attending school, exploring their environment with newfound sight, and expressing themselves through drawing, sketching, and painting. The use of colors brings immense joy and satisfaction to the Prakash children, inspiring the creation of UnrulyArt.

The jewellery displayed here is created by two sisters, Farhana and Bhushra, who are both visually impaired. Born with congenital cataracts, their sight was restored at age 10 through surgeries supported by Project Prakash. Following their surgeries, Project Prakash facilitated their rehabilitation and aided their pursuit of new skills. Jewellery making was one of the skills the sisters chose to pursue. Here the sisters have carefully selected (bigger) beads that they can thread easily. Their jewellery serves as an inspiring testament to their strength and creativity in overcoming challenges.

Greeting cards and Postcards
The remarkable outcome of UnrulyArt inspired us to create something more meaningful. Using images of art crafted by Prakash children, we transformed them into printed postcards and greeting cards—a thoughtful and practical token to share with friends, colleagues, or anyone you wish. These cards serve to spread the warmth and joy of our children.